Training Workouts

The following workouts are ones I've enjoyed (read: suffered through) and I'm happy to share them with you (read: misery loves company). I will add to this list and update links as soon as I create them. I will also be including Garmin Workout files that you can download and transfer to your Garmin devices. If you have any questions or have any workouts you are willing to share please feel free to leave a comment below.

Aerobic Endurance

Aerobic endurance is the body's ability to process and circulate oxygen through the body to the muscular tissues in order to withstand long periods of repetitive exercises. It is one of the main fitness components; important for success in many sports. In cycling, it involves low intensity for long durations, mostly done during the Base period to increase fitness and prepare the body for higher-intensity workouts.
  • Aerobic Pacing
  • Aerobic Threshold
  • Aerobic with Bursts
  • Aerobic with Tempo

Anaerobic Endurance

High-intensity for short durations, mostly done during the Build periods...
  • Fast Group Ride
  • Kilo Intervals
  • Lactate Tolerance Reps
  • Match-burnning Intervals
  • Microbursts
  • Tabata Intervals

Muscular Endurance


Muscular Force

  • Force Reps
  • Long Hills
  • Moderate Hills
  • Steep Hills

Speed Skills

  • Cornering
  • Form Sprints
  • Isolated Leg Drills
  • Single Leg Drills
  • Spin-ups
  • Sprints

Sprint Power

  • Form Sprints
  • Hill Sprints
  • Jumps
  • Sprint Speed


  • Countdown Intervals
  • Plus-30 Intervals
  • Pyramid Intervals

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